Publications Archive
Strategic Compensation Interim Report 2: Teacher Focus Group Summary, Spring 2008
This report contains results from focus groups conducted with teachers in the first year of the AISD REACH strategic compensation program pilot.
Summary of 2005-2006 through 2007-2008 AISD Staff Climate Survey Results
The district report describes the results of the AISD Staff Climate Surveys administered in 2005-2006 through 2007-2008. The campus reports are for the 2007-2008 school year.
Project Advance Summary Report 2006-2007
This report summarizes 2006-2007 evaluation results of AISD's Project Advance activities. Project Advance staff worked with high school students and their parents to prepare students for post-secondary enrollment.
Question: What do We Know About Effective Middle Schools?
This report provides a brief literature review describing a variety of best practices in middle school education.
Question: How Much Variance in Student Achievement Can be Attributed to School, Teacher, and Student-level Variables?
This report describes the amount of variance in student achievement that can be attributed to school, teacher, and student-level variables.
Question: What Are the Performance Results of Former English Language Learners (ELL) or Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students on Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Subject Area Tests Since the First Year that TAKS Was Implemented in Sprin
The purpose of this report was to identify former English language learner (ELL) students and to know how they as a group had performed on 2006 TAKS.
Strategic Compensation Interim Report 1: Principal Focus Group Summary Fall 2007
This report describes findings from the principal focus group conducted the first year of the AISD REACH program.
Question: Are There Any Notable Differences Between Students Who Participated in BEST Transition Camps During the Summer of 2007 and Their 6th Grade Peers Who Did Not Attend the Camps? What Do BEST Teachers and Counselors Report About Camp Effectiveness?
This report summarizes evaluation findings about the impact of AISD's summer 2007 BEST transition camp program for students entering middle school at 6th grade.
Question: What Do AISD Parents, Employees, Students and Community Members Think About How Well Students Are Prepared for the Transitions to Middle and High School? What Do They Think are the Most Important Issues that Should be Addressed in a Middle Schoo
This report summarizes results of a 2007-2008 survey of AISD parents, students and staff about how well students are prepared for transitions to middle and high school.
Project Advance Summary Report 2007-2008
This report summarizes results from the 2007-2008 program evaluation of Project ADVANCE.