果冻传媒app ISD trustees recognized 23 teachers recently for earning the prestigious National Board Certified Teacher distinction awarded by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. AISD now has 217 National Board Certified teachers-more than any other school district in Texas. AISD also is one of the top 20 districts in the country in the number of National Board Certified teachers. The certification is one of the highest professional certifications teachers can earn. It involves a rigorous process that requires teachers to analyze and reflect on the instructional practices they employ in their classrooms. This marks the 17th year that AISD, through its professional development department, has supported teachers seeking to earn National Board Certification. The district began participating in the program in 2000, when 10 AISD teachers earned National Board Certification. AISD covers the costs of the four certification modules, pairs teachers with peer mentors who offer advice, support, training and coaching, and provides an annual $2,000 stipend to teachers who achieve national certification. A full list of the teachers earning the certification is below: AI/VI Program Carolyn Mason Renae Shepler Baldwin Elementary School Eileen M. Brady Dacey Long Baranoff Elementary School Lydia Moreland Jane Tackett Cowan Elementary School Pamela Elizabeth King Crockett High School Janie Lewicky Galindo Elementary School Maria A. Gloria Bernadette C. McBride Gullett Elementary School Mindy Sayre Bass Highland Park Elementary School Sally Hunter Cari Land Houston Elementary School Michelle Duran Kiker Elementary School Rhonda K. Vasquez Mathews Elementary School Diana McMillan Mills Elementary School Cheryl Wooton Murchison Middle School Laura Aparicio Fitzpatrick O. Henry Middle School Alison Orchard Perez Elementary School Maria Guadalupe Ramos ReLaine Reeves St. Elmo Elementary School Theresa Winemiller Summitt Elementary Jane Copeland Embrey ### |
AISD is the largest school district in central Texas, serving more than 83,000 students at 130 schools. Follow AISD on Facebook at www.facebook.com/austinisd, Instagram at @austinisd or on Twitter at @果冻传媒appISD. |