Health Education

Health Education at 果冻传媒app ISD

The 果冻传媒app ISD Health Education curriculum consists of high-quality instruction and activities that are aligned to state and national standards. The Health Education Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills are divided into four strands. The strands address knowledge and skills needed to understand health behaviors, health information, influencing factors and personal/interpersonal skills.

The human sexuality and responsibility unit will be taught to your child, however, families may opt out of specific or all lessons. This unit is taught during the month of May for kindergarten through eighth grade and during a specific unit in the high school health education course. All human sexuality and responsibility materials, including policy, grade level overviews, lessons, and opt out letters can be viewed on the Human Sexuality and Responsibility page. Families may also view these materials and the additional teacher resources by visiting your campus library.

Curriculum Scope and Sequences

Elementary Health Requirements

  • Classroom teachers are responsible for teaching the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for health education.  
  • Students will be given a health education grade per grading period on their report card. 
  • Health and sexuality curriculum lessons are taught by classroom teachers. Teachers should send home a form allowing parents to opt-in to receive this curriculum in advance of the unit being taught.

Middle School Health Requirements

  • The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for health education are taught in the Middle School Health Course. 
  • Health and sexuality curriculum lessons are taught through middle school science. Science teachers should send home a form allowing parents to opt-in to this curriculum in advance of the unit.  
  • Students may earn the .5 high school graduation credit by taking the Health Education course (#6931) in eighth grade if it is offered at their campus.

High School Health Requirements

  • Health education teachers are responsible for teaching the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for health education.
  • AISD requires that students earn .5 credit of Health Education course (#6931) for high school graduation.  
  • Health and sexuality curriculum lessons are taught through high school health education. Teachers should send home a form allowing parents to opt-in to this curriculum in advance of the unit.