AISD Urban Forest

heritage tree on campus grounds

果冻传媒app ISD recognizes the importance of the urban forest as an asset that provides public health, environmental and social benefits to students and the public. With thousands of acres of land, AISD has a rich and varied tree canopy that includes some of 果冻传媒app鈥檚 most notable heritage trees. The AISD Urban Forest initiative ensures that our trees stay healthy and safe, and that they are able to grow and thrive as valuable assets to our schools and community.

AISD Urban Forest Priorities

  • Maintain a rich and varied tree canopy that includes and preserves some of 果冻传媒app's most notable Heritage Trees.
  • Keep our trees healthy and safe and ensure that they are able to thrive and grow as valuable assets to our schools and community.
  • Reforest our urban canopy through partnerships with local organizations.

School Tree Maps

Between 2017-2019, AISD completed a comprehensive district wide tree inventory through funding from an Urban Forest Grant through the City of 果冻传媒app. During this process, trained AISD staff collected data on the health, size, and species of every tree greater than 8 inches in diameter at AISD properties. This assists in the planning, management, and maintenance of our urban forest and is useful in creating educational and outreach materials. Campus tree maps created from this data are available below.

School Tree
ID Guide

Download a tree ID map for your campus

Arc GIS School Trees Interactive Map

Search by trunk size, tree height, crown spread and heritage designation.

tree icon

15,894 trees

property icon

125 properties

Top 5 most common species of trees


Graph Legend

  • Live Oak: 32%
  • Cedar Elm: 17%
  • Red Oak: 6%
  • Ashe Juniper: 5%
  • Bur Oak: 4%
  • Other Misc Species: 36%

AISD Urban Forest Strategies

People performing tree maintenanceTree Maintenance

Tree Maintenance

Tree maintenance on AISD campuses includes proper pruning and plant health practices that adhere to the International Society of Arboriculture standards to promote tree health and ensure the safety of our schoolyards.


Photograph of a group of 3 women and 3 men posing next to a tree that had just been planted at Brentwood Elementary School.
Tree planting at Brentwood Elementary, March 1952

Tree Planting

AISD is committed to continued reforestation efforts on our campuses to support a thriving urban forest that will continue to grow with the community and generations of students to come.


students planting tree at casey elementary
Casey Elementary School Planting 2019
hosted by Treefolks

Education and Resources

We believe in the importance of educating students about trees, their ecological importance, the benefits they give to us, and the proper way to take care of the urban forest